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I wrote this book to make people aware of some basic scientific facts that speak to how the universe was created, and how science points to God, and what it means to be created in the image of God.

First we explore a few simple scientific facts that everyone can relate to:

1 - We are the center of the observable universe which is 30 billion light-years across. Its a big ball and we are in the center of it. Why?

2 - We assume a "big bang" created this universe, a universe likely much larger than what we can see. That means 100 billion galaxies sprang forth from a point smaller than the period at the end of this sentence. Really? Let's take a closer look at that.

3 -Light traveling to us from the edges of the galaxy arrives at our eyes unchanged, essentially exhibiting perpetual motion. Why? Nothing in the universe exhibits perpetual motion. If we remove this unrealistic assumption, it explains why there is a "visible universe", a bigger unseen universe, and it explains that the universe did not start from a single point. Dare I say I might have been created at once? I don't tie God's hands but God is a rational God.

4 - The entire universe, everything in it, is built on a simple material trinity - electric fields, magnetic fields (both invisible), and energy dancing between the two fields (also invisible). The universe, everything in it, including you, is built from the invisible. Did the Holy Trinity give us a material trinity to help us better understand? Did you know that you are physically entirely made up of the invisible.

All this points to a creator., God. Only God can create a universe at once and use the invisible to make the visible.

After this exploration of science that middle-school children can follow, pointing to God and the sequence of creation in Gen1:1-3, we explore what it means to be Created in the Image of God, and conclude that its not the capacity for love, forgiveness, compassion, intelligence or looks that makes us created in the image of God.

Read the book to learn more. Reading it is free. Do so. Its a quick read. If you find that it helps you or inspires you, and you want to help me help others, contribute as you can.